Two weeks ago, after checking the functionality of the darkbox in my garden, I decided to move with it a little bit further. However my first attempt of taking some collodions on location wasn't successful.
As my equipment is quite outstanding, although, in the place where I tried to take some pictures, photography isn't forbidden, I wasn't allowed to take any, and I was told I need a written permission to do so! (while a person next to me took a dozen of digital photographs)
So I realised that generally it might be not that easy to take collodion photographs of what I want, what actually quite upset me....I was hoping I'll meet with an interest and support rather than unwillingness, well...
Anyway two days ago I've packed everything again and went just a little up the lane, where I'm living. There was plenty of showers and it was quite windy, so the conditions didn't allow me to take the most out of this adventure, but I've got a few :) :